Eczema and Dermatitis of the hands is a common condition which can be caused by contact with irritants and substances that irritate the skin, overwashing or weather conditions which contribute to the skin becoming dry and parched. Many hand products such as soaps and creams contain filler ingredients and harmful substances which irritate the skin and draw out moisture. This can lead to Eczema and Dermatitis, where the skin is dry, cracked, blistered and sore, needing regular treatment and a consistent skincare routine in order to bring it back under control.
Causes of Eczema and Dermatitis of the hands:
- Regular handwashing, where common soap can draw out moisture and leave skin unprotected against harsh conditions. This is why Dermatitis in particular, is commonly associated with those who do a manual job such as construction, hairdressing or healthcare where the hands are in use and washed more frequently than usual.
- Cold or dry weather can cause skin conditions such as Eczema and Dermatitis to become worse. This is particularly apparent on the hands, as the extremities are often more exposed to weather conditions than other parts of the body.
- Allergies to food or certain chemicals can cause dry skin conditions in the hands to become worse; either from contact with the substances or after eating where they can cause an inflammatory reaction within the body.
Like most dry skin conditions, prevention is the best form of cure. Follow our prevention checklist in order to return the skin on the hands to optimal health and prevent Eczema and Dermatitis from ever returning.
Prevention checklist from Dermatique
- After washing hands or showering, ensure you use an intensive moisturising solution such as our Recuperating Cream and rub well into the hands. This will help to retain moisture, replenishing lipids and protecting hands from further dryness
- Use cool or lukewarm water to wash hands where possible, as hot and scalding water will draw out moisture and increase dryness
- Before bed, add an additional layer of Recuperating Cream to the hands to lock in moisture while sleeping, when skin repairs at a cellular level. You can intensify this process by wearing cotton gloves if you wish
- Use hand cleansers and washes that are fragrance free and do not contain irritants.
- Try to avoid scratching where hands are sore or irritated. Use cold compresses to reduce heat and irritation and then apply Recuperating Cream, keeping nails trimmed
- Even when symptoms are reduced or have been cured completely, continue with a diligent moisturising routine as this will prevent future flare ups
- Stress can inflame conditions such as Eczema and Dermatitis, so try to stay calm and make positive lifestyle changes that will contribute to a healthier immune system
Our Recuperating Cream is an intensive, tried and trusted solution for healing conditions such as Dermatitis and Eczema in the hands and throughout the whole body. So confident are we in the Recuperating Cream and our products that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee and free delivery to the UK and Ireland. If you’re interested to see what the Recuperating Cream could do for your skin view now to get started.